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Charity Drive for Students from Slums

On 6th Oct Rotary club Nagpur Vision in association with Students of School of Scholars, Hudkeshwar had organised a Community Outreach initiative, Lend a Hand – Make a Difference for the underprivileged students. The students of First Step school Rahate Nagar,toli,Shatabdi Square, Nagpur were invited to the host school along with the teachers and their mentor Mr Kushal Dhak. Mr. Kushal Dhak, a renowned social worker is the founder of SewaSarvada Sanstha which takes the initiative of imparting education to the children from underprivileged background. Various entertainment activities and games were organised for the students of First Step. Principal of the school Mrs. Arti Choubey and RCNV dignitaries Director Community Nitya Agrawal, Director Farnberg Bharucha and Chairperson Swati Belkhade handed over donation items like Clothes, story books, stationary, electronics and food boxes as a token of love . The items were donated by the members of RCNV and students of SOS for this noble cause. It was indeed a very satisfying experience for the students of SOS as they could bring smiles on children’s faces. They also experienced the Joy of Giving and making others happy.

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