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RCNV organized Keynote address of Retd Maj Gen Ian Cardozo

On 27th August RCNV organized Keynote address of Retd Maj Gen Ian Cardozo on Unleashing Maximum Efficiency for the Corporate world in association with Vidarbha Management Association and Centre for Ladakh Jammu & Kashmir Studies at Chitnavis Centre. Secretary of VMA presided over the meeting while Rtn CA Sagar Mitkary introduced the Speaker and relevance of his talk to the corporate world. General Spoke about giving the importance and taking care of our human resources if we want them to excel in their work and get the maximum output from them. General further laid importance of taking timely decisions based on whatever information one has at that time and said that not taking decisions often led to huge losses since once we take decision we can do course correction based on further inputs and achieve our objectives. General gave a corporate mantra of Do what you love, i.e. Concentrate on Core competencies. Love what you do, i.e. once you have taken a task/ objective stick to it till it is finished; Don’t Fear of outcome i.e. do not worry about if your efforts will yield desired results, keep working efficiently and you will get the success ; and finally Never Give up i.e. Not to stop till you achieve your corporate objectives and keep pushing yourself to the maximum.

General also mentioned that do not wait for the best when good is available. By waiting for best you waste time and the world is too fast today to leave you behind. So Corporate world should remember that Good is better than Best.
After the Keynote address, the session was moderated for Question and Answers by Rotarian and President Elect Jaishree Chhabrani. She asked interesting anecdotes from various books of General and it was very well received by the audience. One of the most important question on women and their role played for the men in uniform was answered in details by General. It simply proved that India is on the cusp of realizing and appreciating the pivotal role of women in the armed forces, both in the uniform and as a support system to the men in uniform.
General was then felicitated by three presidents of RCNV, VMA and CLJKS viz Rtn Ajay Uplanchiwar, Shabbir Zhakerya & Retd Judge Meera Khadakkar. Moderator Rtn CA Sagar Mitkary was felicitated by Mrs Priscilla Cordozo and then the Vote of Thanks was given by Secretary VMA.
All the audience present requested for repeat of such joint events in the future too. The program ended with National Anthem.

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