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First TRH held at Manisha Sawarkar’s place on 10th January

First physical TRH held at Manisha Sawarkar’s place on 10th January, Director Ajay Uplanchiwar, Chairperson Kanchan Patel and Manisha Sawarkar work hard to make it successfull. President Jatin Sampat and Chadru and Manju Sahahi were present and Chadru Sahahi gave the information about rotary.

Second TRH held at Aditya Naniwadekar’s farm house place on 24th Jaunuary

RCNV conducted their 2nd TRH on 24th Jaunuary-21 at our Member Aditya Naniwadekar’s farm house, it was an Hawaiian Theme, Director Rtn. Ajay Upalanchiwar , chairperson, Rtn. Sohel Amin, committee member Nitya Agarwal took effort to male it a memorable TRH, IPP Rtn. Sohrab Kanga, President Rtn. Jatin Sampat, Secretary Rtn.Pinaki Mukherji, Vice President Rtn. Shivani Sule were present to grace the TRH. Rtn Aditya Naniwadekar make it as most memorable by arranging a large cut outs for selfie corners, and Musical party at pool side.

Third TRH held at Ritu Katariya’s farm house place on 14th February

Third TRH hels at our member Ritu Katariya’s farm house on 14th Feb on the eve of valentine day, as it was valentine day so theme was valentine day special, Director Rth. Ajay Uplanchiwar, chairperson Rtn. Majiv Sharma and website chairperson Rtn. Amit Chandak took efforts to make it successful, President elect. Rtn. Vikram naidu was gave Rotary information to attendees. Anchoring was done by Mrs. Sakshi Sharma.

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