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Understanding Gen Z @ 23 February

On February 23, President Ajay Uplanchiwar called the meeting to order. Rt Ann Archana Mulak read Rotary information, and the four-way test was read by President Ajay. The president greeted members and spouses on their birthdays and anniversaries. Directors and chairpersons announced upcoming projects. During the speaker meeting, Rtn Ritika Singhvi introduced Toastmaster Manisha Zilpelwar, who delved into the topic of Zen Z, which is all about understanding the mindset and characteristics of Generation Z. Using a visually appealing PowerPoint presentation, she guided the members through various aspects of Zen Z, such as their values, preferences, and behaviors.
It was a really good meeting, and members learned a lot about Zen Z. A vote of thanks was given by Rtn. Smita Bhargav. The meeting was adjourned by President Ajay after the National Anthem.

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