A talk on Why is Biodiversity so important was organised on 29 Dec, 23.
President Rtn. Ajay Uplanchiwar welcomed the members, PDGs and Past Presidents.
President Ajay Uplanchiwar announced and wished members having birthdays and anniversaries
The 4 way test and Rotary Information was read
Rtn. Sharad Paliwal introduced the guest speaker Dr. Lal Singh an Ecologist.
Dr. Lal Singh addressed the gathering and enlightened them about the Importance of biodiversity. He gave Presentation on his research on Development of biodiversity in degraded areas, wastelands and contaminated areas and its findings.
The session was followed by Q & A round.
About 35 members attended the talk.
President Ajay Uplanchiwar and Hon. Secretary Madhumati Dhawad presented a momento to Dr. Lal Singh
Vote of thanks was proposed by Rtn. Rajeev Behal.
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