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Aao Chale School…

Aao Chale School…

RCNV in association with Infocepts who under CSR arranged donation of school Kits (120) nos to the Students of Sanket Aashramshala studying in 1 to 10th standard, at Chimnazari on Friday 14/10/22 at 3.30 pm.

Dr Shivani Sule, Hon Secretary Ritika Singhvi and other present Rotarian distributed School Kits in the presence of Dr Micah Head CSR Infocepts. The program is attended by Rtn Sharad Paliwal, Rtn Ann Sadhana Paliwal and Rtn Dr Jugalkishor Agrawal. Dr Ravindra Kshirsagar supported for transport of kits from Nagpur to School.

Students later enjoyed refreshments with all of us. A great time spent with Tribal children and Dr Micah promised to arrange computer training with their associates. Dr Shivani also promised to plan more activities for them in near future….The program ended with Pasaydan, which they recited well and appreciated by all.

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