Jai Shree Ram ? RCNV’s First Friday meeting of the new Rotary Year breathed the pious energies at Ramnagar Ram Mandir. President Shivani Sule, Hon Secretary Ritika Singhvi, and team 22-23 seeked the blessings of Lord Rama for a successful year. Members and Spouses Participated in the Pooja.
After the ritual, President Shivani Sule called the regular meeting to order. She announced the Birthdays and Anniversaries of the Members and Spouses. The directors announced the upcoming projects and activities. Ann Sunanda Sule sang a Bhajan to bless the team . Rtn Aarouni Verma donated Rs ONE LAC for the community projects.The VOT was given by Hon Secretary Ritika Singhvi. A gathering of 75 attendees enjoyed great fellowship and sumptuous Prasad after the meeting.
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