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Tree plantation drive

Dear Members,
RCNV organised a tree plantation drive at 2.30 pm on Wednesday 6th July at Mahatma Fule Vidyalaya, Suraburdi. Around 60 trees were planted around the periphery of the school. President Shivani, Hon Sec Ritika, Treasurer Ritesh Amidwar, Director Sandip Durugkar, Rtn Sharad Paliwal, Chairperson Richa Chaudhary, Rtn Ann Sadhna Paliwal, Rtn Shyam Borele, Shweta Durugkar, Pallavi Also and Sushma Borele. President Shivani encouraged the kids to tree plantation. Rtn Sharad Paliwal demonstrated how to plant a tree and explained their importance, especially after the Pandemic. Tree plantation was followed by hot piping Samosa and tea by the School faculty.

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